SSRF Variogram Estimation

SSRF Variogram Estimation (click here for the code)

The SSRF family provides flexible variogram functions for spatial data analysis.The Matlab code provided here can be used to estimate the SSRF variogram function for 2D spatial data.

The software has been written and compiled by D. Hristopulos and A. Pavlidis. Date of release: November 28, 2016. Tested on Matlab version 2013b. 

For problems or questions email: dionisi<at> and

You can find more information on Spartan random fields in the papers:

D. T. Hristopulos. Covariance functions motivated by spatial random field models with local
interactions. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29(3):739––754, 2015.

S. N. Elogne, D. T. Hristopulos, and E. Varouchakis. An application of Spartan spatial
random fields in environmental mapping: focus on automatic mapping capabilities. Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 22(5):633–646, 2008. doi:10.1007/

D. T. Hristopulos and S. N. Elogne. Analytic properties and covariance functions for a
new class of generalized Gibbs random fields. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
53(12):4667–4679, 2007. doi:10.1109/TIT.2007.909163.