Scientific Workshop, September 17-18, 2015

The growing availability of spatiotemporal data and their
numerous applications has drawn the attention to the
development of computationally efficient, realistic spacetime
stochastic models. In this workshop results of the
research program “Development of Space-Time Random
Fields based on Local Interaction Models” shall be
presented by the members of the Geostatistics Laboratory
( of school of
Mineral Resources Engineering of Technical University of
Crete (TUC). Moreover we will welcome presentations by
broader research fields which include new methods to
collect space-time data, mathematical and statistical
models of spatial and space-time data, stochastic models
of space-time systems and applications.
For the workshop's program see here
The abstracts of the presentations can be found here
Αίθουσα Συνεδριάσεων Σχολής ΜΗΧΟΠ, Δεύτερος Όροφος